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Personal Trainer: Top tips

Writer: TherapyFit Training AcademyTherapyFit Training Academy


So you’ve qualified. YAY! Your certificate is here and now you’re ready to start a career as a personal trainer.

So now what? Turn up, get clients and PT right? That’d be the dream. Unfortunately, what providers don’t teach you, is how. How you’re going to go about doing this.

Most likely, they’ve issued your certificate and off you go, figure it out yourself!

So here’s some top tips for those newly qualified in the industry (or even those who are struggling to gain clients)


This era relies too much on social media. Personal trainers are posting their sessions, their clients sessions etc all over Instagram and Facebook to followers who aren’t even in the region, let alone their gym. Now if you have a large following from members of the gym, or even the local area this isn’t a bad thing.

However, your potential clients are in the gym, they’re not sitting on social media thinking “Oh let me have a look at personal trainers on Instagram) – If they want a personal trainer they will enquire at the gym they go to. Be in the gym, talk to these people, be a presence and get yourself known.

Now by no means are we saying social media shouldn’t be used. Of course it should, it’s the way technology is these days. Every man, woman and their dogs (how sad by the way) have an Instagram account. It's free (unless you pay for ads) advertisement and can reach a large scale of people. But, if you train and work out of a gym in the west midlands, posting for followers in London, Manchester, Scotland isn’t going to land you clients. Too often, this is done WHILST IN THE GYM or in the staff room (complaining there's no business). Sitting around, posting on social media in a gym full of potential clients.


Speak to people. But speak to people with an interest of actually getting to know the person and not just selling a product. Ask them how their day has been, what they’ve been up to? How’s there training? what are they training for? etc etc. This allows you to get to know the people in the gym, their goals and how you may then be able to help. NEVER and we mean NEVER, start your pitch with DO YOU WANT PERSONAL TRAINING? You may not even get to that during this first conversation, but that member will remember that someone (you) has taken time out to check up on them and shown an interest in them. Be sure to follow this up, however often you see such a member, try to remember key information (birthday’s, parties, weddings etc) that may come up in conversation and ask them about it. Be sure to offer help and or advice to assist them on their journey and explain who you are and what you can do for them. Remember, this doesn’t have to be you, asking them if they want a session. That’ll come. Show them a new exercise, a better way of performing what they’re currently doing, offering advice on nutrition or lifestyle choices. Give them something, but not too much, so they’re left curious, wanting to know more. Then VOILA! Sell

It’s often suggested that for every 100 members you approach, half (50) of those will want to interact. Of that 50, half (25) will say yes to a taster session (when this conversation eventually comes about) of that 25, half (12.5) will actually book in, half (6) will show up and half (3) will turn into clients.

So for every 100 NEW people you approach, only 3 will end up being paid clients. Now this isn’t set in stone, but a general rule.


The level 3 qualification in personal training is the industry standard. EVERYONE who wants to become a personal trainer, or is a personal trainer will need or has this qualification. EVERYONE. You’d be silly to only obtain this qualification and nothing more, for this simple fact.

If you don’t happen to be in the gym and a potential client views your gym profile via the gym, an app or website, what is going to stand you out from the other 10 PT’s with the same qualification?

It will fall down to luck of the draw, who catches there eye (appearance wise) or potentially experience (which, if you’re new, you have none of) therefore qualifications are a must to stand out from the crowd. Not only this, having extra qualifications broadens your knowledge and opens up other avenues and demographics of clients you can now offer services to.

Remember, someone with the industry standard Level 3 Diploma in Fitness and Personal Training is only technically covered and qualified to train apparent healthy individuals. Should a client with a medical condition, wish to be trained by a personal trainer, this person must have a qualification in exercise referral for example. Should a pregnant lady want to be trained by a personal trainer, the trainer must be qualified in pre and post-natal exercise and so on.

Training someone outside of the scope of your qualification not only puts the person in unnecessary danger but also voids both your certificate and insurance, which leaves you liable should anything happen to the client as a result of the session.

Continued Professional Development (CPD) is also of very high importance. Keeping up with current trends, new discoveries and styles of training keeps you ahead of the game. The fitness industry is ever changing, there is always new science, new evidence and new research, so keep up with these changes via CPD, whether it’s a seminar, TED talk, e-clinic etc, they will add value to you, the trainer….


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