What can/can't I do?
This week, we clear up what you can/cannot do with your fitness qualification. Find out your scope of practice, working with individuals!
What can/can't I do?
How to become a Personal Trainer!
New starter emotions? We got you!
New Years Resolution?
3 months as the newbie!
How to avoid burning out!
Christmas time, mistletoe and wine?
Sell, sell, sell!
Running - a battle of mindset
It's oh so QUIET!
Personal Trainer: Top tips
Exercise Referral
To feed or not to feed?
Diet plans: What can/can’t you do?
Supplements: A marketers dream or worthwhile products?
"Carbs are the devil"
Heard of Milo of Croton?
Is fear holding you back from changing careers?
Ever heard of German Volume Training?